Www Poptropica Com Cheats For Game Show Island

Poptropica Cheats for Shrink Ray Island Special Edition for all member Poptropica games . So if you love with Poptropica games please welcome to the great Poptropica games .

Poptropica Shrink Ray Island is the newest island in Poptropica, and was launched for members in early access on June 30, 2011. In this island adventure, the star science fair student has gone missing and you need to find out what happened. Here’s what the official Poptropica island info page says about this new quest:

A young genius has invented a ray gun that shrinks anything it touches – including you! But when the scientist and her invention go missing, you’ll have to keep the shrink ray from falling into the wrong hands, and find a way to bring yourself back to normal size. To solve a problem this big, you’ve got to think small!

Below are some of the cheats I have put together to get different clothing and costume items within the game of Poptropica for 2018. If you are a member, some of these are already owned by you. If you are not, you can get them by following the steps under each item I talk about! The beginning to the island is pretty self-explanatory. After the cool intro sequence, just walk to the right and talk to the guy with the microphone. Follow him to the colosseum to participate in the games. After the opening ceremony, where the archer starts the torch with a flaming arrow, walk over to him again and speak with him to select your first event. Listed below are guides to all the. Game Show – When you get to Game Show Island you will realize that humans are not controlling the world. Save the day and give the Poptropica people control of their island. Ghost Story – Spirits and ghosts are haunting the shores of Hemlock Harbor. Hunt these spirits and set them free so that the people of the island have.

Island Guide - Tips and Tricks! Welcome to a future where robots rule. Building computers to compete on TV game shows seemed like a funny idea - until the machines wanted more. Now, after years of robotic dominance, Poptropica needs a savior. The Poptropica Game Show Island walkhrough is now available! On this island, you take the role of a human in the future where robots have taken over everything! Poptropica Cheats 2018 – Hacks, Island Walkthroughs & Codes. Island Guide - Tips and Tricks! Ave you ever wanted to be the star of a reality TV show? Well, now's your chance! Duke it out with your fellow contestants and avoid elimination to win the show's grand prize and become a hero to your hometown in the online virtual world, Reality TV Island. Brainiacs is a Poptropica-version of the real-life game show entitled “Jeopardy”. It’s a general knowledge quiz game. Choose the correct answer to each question before your opponents do. In the final round, you can wager part of your winnings in order to increase your score.

Poptropica Shrink Ray Island Video Walkthrough

You must be 13 years or older to sign up for this Poptropica Shrink Ray Island newsletter. If you are under 13, you must have a parent sign up for you.

Poptropica Shrink Ray Island Written Walkthrough

Poptropica Shrink Ray Island Arrival and Science Fair

Go to Poptropica Shrink Ray Island on the main Poptropica map and you’ll arrive on Main Street and land on top of a slide and swing set. You can head to the left to enter the multi-player room, which is the Sweet Dreams Candy Shop, but for now you want to head to the right and go inside PS 101, which is holding the River City Science Fair.

  • Enter the school through the double doors next to the sign in Poptropica Shrink Ray Island.
  • Run to the right and go through the doors with the Science Fair sign.
  • Poptropica Shrink Ray Island Fun Fact: you can click on the water fountains as you pass by to make them squirt water.
  • Once you’re inside the science fair, run past all the exhibits until you get to the right. If you want, you can check out the different exhibits, which include The Sixth Sense in Calamari, Balloons, Fashion, and Electricity, Chocolate Volcano, Candy and Soda Propulsion, Evolution of the Belly Button and an empty exhibit at the far right end near the stage. Go to this last exhibit and talk to the guy standing there.
  • The man is Mr. Silva, the science teacher, and he’s worried that his star pupil, CJ, is missing. The two people on the right are CJ’s parents. Talk to them and CJ’s dad will tell you to go look for her at their apartment on Avenue A.
  • Head back out of the school and go to the right to enter the Poptropica Shrink Ray Island Avenue A zone.

Poptropica Shrink Ray Island Avenue A and CJ’s Apartment

When you arrive on Poptropica Shrink Ray Island Avenue A, you can head all the way to the right side to get to CJ’s apartment. It’s the one with the orange cat outside the door and a telescope inside the window. Inside, you’ll see that CJ and her family are kind of messy!

  • Click on the door to enter the apartment. The cat will follow you inside.
  • Follow the cat from room to room to try and chase it back out. After it leaves the bathroom, it will go back outside the door.
  • Go into CJ’s bedroom, which is on the left side of the apartment. Click on the microscope that is on her desk next to the computer.
  • A masked man will come in the room. He looks like he’s right out of Wild West Island. And he’s carrying a shrink ray gun! He’ll tell you he’s going to put a stop to your snooping around and will chase you to the left side of the bedroom.
  • In Poptropica Shrink Ray Island You’re cornered! The bad guy uses the shrink ray gun on you and you’re shrunk down to a miniature size!

Poptropica Shrink Ray Island CJ’s Apartment: I’ve Been Shrunk!

This is the main part of the quest. You’ve now been shrunken down to miniature size and need to find out how to get back to normal size, catch the thief, and rescue CJ!

  • Run to the right, jump up onto the shelves, and then jump to the right on top of the fan. It will start to drop down. When it’s done, press the red button to start it and it will blow away all the dust bunnies under the bed, revealing the thumb drive underneath.
  • Turn the fan off, and jump up and over it. Then go under the bed and pick up the thumb drive.
  • Run to the right to get to the next part of the bedroom and then go right again to enter the living room.
  • Watch out for the cat’s paw when you run past the living room door. Jump up in the air as you run past.

Poptropica Shrink Ray Island CJ’s Apartment: The Kitchen

This is one of the most complicated parts of the entire quest. You need to do a lot of different steps to navigate through the kitchen and get the remote control on top of the refrigerator.

  • Head right one more time to get to the kitchen. When you arrive, you’ll see there’s a remote control on top of the refrigerator, but getting to the top is going to be more complicated than you might think.
  • Run to the right until you see some open drawers above a green and yellow sponge jump up on them and get the screwdriver. Then jump up onto the counter and run to the right to get to the next part of the kitchen.
  • There’s a piece of notepaper here that you need to get and it’s on the far right side on top of a table. Getting there is a bit tricky!
  • First, push the rolling pin so that it knocks the teapot onto the other burner. Then run up and jump into the steam coming from the teapot. It will lift you up to the shelf with the flour and sugar.
  • There’s a bottle of oil here. Push it over onto its side so that it starts dripping out.
  • Drop down to the floor and then push the cat’s food bowl so that it’s under the dripping oil from above.
  • Next jump back up onto the counter and then jump up and down on top of the cat food bag several times to make lots of food fall out. You should jump on it at least 4-5 times.
  • The food and oil will stick together making a little stepping stool out of the cat food that you can use to get up on the table. Next, push the cat food bowl to the right so that it is underneath the table.
  • Jump up on top of the cat food and then up onto the table top. Walk to the right to pick up the piece of paper. Also, pick up one of the purple grapes, which you’ll need for the next task.
  • Drop down to the floor and run to the left to get to the first part of the kitchen.
  • Jump up on the counter and run over to the toaster. Click on the plug to plug it into the socket.
  • Jump onto the toaster handle while holding the grape and stand there for a few seconds. The toaster will heat up and then the handle will pop up, sending you flying up into the air. You’ll land on a shelf with a spatula, a cup full of utensils, and a salt shaker.
  • Push the salt shaker to the left so that it’s on the very end of the spatula handle. Then jump up onto the cup and then jump to the right so that you land on the other end of the spatula.
  • Hold still and let the salt shaker fly up in the air and come back down. When it lands, it will make you fly up in the air. Jump a little up and to the left as you fly through the air and you’ll land on top of the refrigerator, where you can now pick up the remote control.
  • Now head to the right and push the green and yellow sponge next to the Power Clean spray bottle on the floor. Jump on the sponge and then onto the top of the bottle. Finally, jump to the top of the garbage can and go inside it. (Gross!)
  • Once inside, you need to solve a puzzle by moving certain objects, like tuna treats cat food cans and blocks of cheese. Objects that can be moved are clickable. First click on it, and then click on either the right or left green arrows to move it. Be careful: if you move an object that was holding up others you want to watch out that everything doesn’t fall on top of you!
  • First push the can of tuna treats near the entrance to the right.
  • Go back up and push the milk to the right. Then jump down on top of it.
  • Next push the cheese above you on the shelf to the right.
  • Stand on on top of the can and jump up one shelf so that you’re standing right next to the tuna can above. Push it to the left to give you running room. Jump up and to the right.
  • Pull the tuna can on the bottom to the left then jump on it and finally jump up to the right to get the Torn Page.
  • To leave quickly, click on the green restart button in the lower left.
  • Run left to leave the kitchen and head to the living room.

Poptropica Shrink Ray Island CJ’s Apartment: Living Room

Here Poptropica Shrink Ray Island fishies! Have some food!

We’re getting close to the end. In this part, you need to get CJ’s Diary Key out of the fish tank. You can’t just jump directly in the tank because the fish will bump you out. We need to distract the little fishies!

  • Run over to the toy truck and then use the screwdriver from your backpack. This will remove the battery from the truck.
  • Jump up onto the table top, stand next to the TV remote, and then use the battery from your backpack. Then jump onto the green button on the remote to turn the TV on.
  • Now jump up onto the TV and climb the antenna to build up a static electricity charge. You’ll see white sparkles all over you.
  • Then jump up to the left to the green ballon. The static electricity charge will attach you to the ballon and you’ll float up and to the left. You will land safely on the frame of the Poshville Boardwalk picture on the wall.
  • Jump off to the left, and you’ll land on the shelf with the fish food. Push it to the left so that it tips over and drops food into the fish tank.
  • The fish will start eating the food and will be distracted so that you can jump into the tank and take the key.
  • Jump out of the fish tank onto the Poptropica Shrink Ray Island floor.

Poptropica Shrink Ray Island Return to CJ’s Bedroom

Now that we’ve got the diary key, it’s time to head back to Poptropica Shrink Ray Island CJ’s bedroom and find the next clue.

  • Go left to CJ’s bedroom and then jump up on her desk. Open your backpack and use the thumb drive to put it in the computer. You’ll need to enter the password. The correct password is m4r13 cur13. Marie Curie is CJ’s hero and you should replace the i’s with 1′s, the a with a 4 and the e’s with 3′s.
  • The blueprints for the shrink ray gun will be uploaded.
  • Jump up again to get on the shelf with the Rubik’s Cube and her green diary.
  • Use the torn page in your backpack to complete the ripped part of the diary and you’ll get a message from CJ. It sounds like the thief is close by!
  • Now jump on the thermostat and make it spin to red so that the heat turns on.
  • Jump down onto the Poptropica Shrink Ray Island desk and stand next to the microscope. Then use the piece of paper from your backpack to put it down on the desk.
  • Jump up onto the lamp and then bounce up and down a few times to bring it down closer to the paper. When it won’t go down anymore, click the light switch to turn it on.
  • The heat from the lamp reveals the secret message from CJ that was written in lemon juice on the paper. It says, Look for me in the telescope. School coordinates.
  • Now go to the left to the next section of the bedroom.
  • Knock over the wastepaper basket and a bunch of paper will fall out and then rise up in the air from the heat coming up through the vent.
  • Use the papers as jumping platforms to get up on top of the bed. Then pick up the morse code key from the top of the bed.
  • Jump over onto the telescope. Then stand on each dial and spin them to the following coordinates: x – 87 and y – 16.
  • Now look through the Poptropica Shrink Ray Island telescope. CJ is inside the classroom at PS 101 and she’s sending you a message in morse code. Use the key to decipher the message and click each letter as she sends them to you. The full message is: flush the thumb drive.

Poptropica Shrink Ray Island CJ’s Apartment: Bathroom

This Poptropica Shrink Ray Island toilet is disgusting!

The bathroom in Poptropica Shrink Ray Island CJ’s apartment is kind of disgusting. Good thing we only need to spend a short time here. The goal is to get past the bathtub and over to the toilet so that we can flush the thumb drive.

  • Run to the left and jump up on the drawer handles to reach the counter top.
  • Jump onto the hair dryer and stand on the back end so that it tips up. Then click on the red button to turn it on.
  • Leap into the stream of hot air and then you’ll end up on top of the shower curtain rod and move to the next part of the bathroom.
  • Drop down onto the soap dish and push the bar of soap off to the right. Jump down into the tub.
  • Go to the right and climb up the Poptropica Shrink Ray Island rope. Then stand on the faucet handle and run to spin it and turn the water on. The water will fill up the tub so you can swim over to the floating bar of soap.
  • Jump onto the bar of soap and from there jump onto the rubber duck’s back.
  • Jump onto the red plunger and onto the stack of toilet paper. Then leap up to the toilet bowl.
  • While standing on the bowl, use the thumb drive in your backpack to drop it inside.
  • Next jump onto the flush handle to send the thumb drive on its merry way.
  • Finally, head back the way you came to leave the bathroom.

Poptropica Shrink Ray Island CJ’s Apartment: The Great Escape

Yee-haw! We're outta Poptropica Shrink Ray Island here!

Now we need to get out of the apartment, which is going to be challenging because we’re still shrunken. Here’s how to do it!

  • Go all the way back to the telescope in CJ’s bathroom and set it to the same coordinates (87,16). Peek into it again and CJ has a new message for you.
  • The new message reveals the villain. It reads, thief is Mr. Silva.
  • Now we need to escape the Poptropica Shrink Ray Island apartment and Poptropica Shrink Ray Island rescue CJ!
  • Go back to the living room and take the battery out of the remote control. Then put it into the toy truck.
  • Get in and drive the toy truck left into CJ’s bedroom.
  • Get out of the truck and jump up onto CJ’s bookshelf. Go to the top where you’ll find a book called, Tess’s Tree by Jess M. Brallier. Push the book off the shelf to make it land and form a ramp that your truck can go over.
  • Fun Fact: Jess Brallier is one of the Poptropica Creators! He is the publisher and general manager of the game.
  • Jump back down and get in the truck. Drive over the ramp and you’ll see a short cinematic where you drive up and through the glass window out into the street.

Poptropica Shrink Ray Island Rescue at PS 101

Now we’re off to rescue CJ and stop Mr. Silva once and for all.

  • You’ll start playing an easy overhead mini-game where you need to drive the truck down the street while avoiding obstacles. The ride lasts a little over a minute and it very easy to complete.
  • You’ll end up inside the window of Mr. Silva’s office in the school. Run to the left and there’s CJ!
  • Unfortunately, Mr. Silva shows up and he’s trying to shrink you into oblivion. Now you need to avoid the ray gun.
  • The next sequence is a lot like the World War I sequence with Snoopy in Great Pumpkin Island. You need to hide behind objects when the ray gun appears so that it shrinks the object instead of you. Move to the left across the floor. You can either pause behind each object or skip every other one (if you’re quick enough). If you get hit by the ray gun, you have to start over.
  • When you reach the reticulated quartz sample and Mr. Silva shrinks it, jump up onto the yearbook on the left and then immediately jump onto the desk above. Then quickly hide behind his microscope.
  • After he shrinks the microscope, run right to the base of the globe. Mr. Silva will shrink it and the globe will fall off to the floor. Jump down to the floor and hide behind the books.
  • Wait for him to shrink the books, then push the globe under the chair. Jump up onto it and then leap to the chair and to his desk. Land behind the apple and lunchbox.
  • After he shrinks the apple and lunchbox, run all the way to the right until you are hiding behind the mirror.
  • When Mr. Silva tries to shrink you this time, the shrink ray reflects off the mirror and hits him! He shrinks himself and falls into the ant farm jar, where he’s trapped!
  • CJ appears and tells you to flip the switch to grow. Walk over and click the switch and then you’ll both return to normal size.
  • You’ll be back at the science fair, standing with CJ and her parents. Her new exhibit is on display and it’s called, The Incredible Shrunken Man. Looks like CJ won first prize for the exhibit and you get the island medallion for solving Shrink Ray Island. Congratulations!

Here are some more screenshots from Shrink Ray Island, including some of the sneak previews that the creators released before the island was available to play.

Arrival in Poptropica Shrink Ray Island

Poptropica Shrink Ray Island

Poptropica Shrink Ray Island

Poptropica Shrink Ray IslandCJ's apartment is a bit of a mess. Kind of expected from a mad scientist in training.

Poptropica Shrink Ray Island CJ left a clue about her disappearance on her microscope. To find her missing invention, you need to think small!

Oh no! I've been shrunk in Shrink Ray Island! I hope you enjoy Poptropica Shrink Ray Island .Please welcome to newest Poptropica Shrink Ray Island

Poptropica is filled with plenty of secrets and surprises, and this page is here to show you some of the cool things you can do or get in the game! Some are just for fun, and some may even get you ahead. Plus, check the comments below for even more.

Promo Codes

To enter these promotional codes, go to the Poptropica Store section of Poptropica, and where it says “Promo Code” in the top right corner, type in the code and enter for your cool new freebie.

  • SKULLBOOK: Skull Pirate costume

Hotkeys & Special Effects

Note: Mac users will need to replace “Ctrl” with the “Command” key for these cheats to take effect.

  • Ctrl + Shift + R: Completely randomizes your Poptropica character (may or may not acquire a handheld item, such as a basketball or cell phone) – you will lose your current outfit!
  • Ctrl + Shift + S: Changes your character’s skin color
  • Ctrl + Shift + H: Changes your character’s hair color (at first it may just show some computer history, but click on the Poptropica screen once and press “H” only and it’ll change hair color)
  • Ctrl + Shift + P: Character wears a pumpkin mask
  • Ctrl + Shift + 1: Character does the laughing emote
  • Ctrl + Shift + 2: Character does the crying emote
  • Ctrl + Shift + 3: Character does the angry emote
  • Ctrl + Shift + 4: Character does the jumping emote
  • Ctrl + Shift + F6: Randomizes character (same as Ctrl + Shift + R, above)
  • Ctrl + Shift + F10: Pauses game (or press the pause button in the upper-left corner)
  • S: Press “S” to skip a character’s dialogue when he or she is talking. You may have to click on the screen to get it to work. (note: does not work on SUIs – sound-updated islands)

Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs are secret surprises often found in many games, including Poptropica. Listed below are just a few of the many secrets of Poptropica.

Www Poptropica Com Cheats For Game Show Island

Hypnotic Costume

Here’s how even non-members can get an otherwise members-only costume! The prize is hidden at the Poptropica Towers on Early Poptropica Island. Go left until you stop at a green tower, jump up four stories high, and find the window pane in the middle with the orange flower pot. Click on the top-left corner of that window, and you will receive the “Hypnotic” costume!

Nabooti Phone Codes

The cell phone can be found at Mountains of the Moon, Nabooti Island. Enter certain number codes into the phone to get a cool new costume. Note that this can get rid of something you’re wearing.

  • 1225: Santa Hat and Sack
  • 911: Police Outfit
  • 411: Brain Helmet
  • 1337: Nerdy Outfit (Comic Kid/Ned Noodlehead)

Skull Mask

There’s a free “Skull Mask” wearable item hidden in a cave in Legendary Swords. To get it, enter the cave from the beginning and pass by the first cave area. In the second cave area, near the place where you find your first Legendary Sword (Rusty Relic), go left and jump up until you reach a brown space filled with strange fossils. Keep going left until you see the Skull Mask, then click to receive it!

Viking Suit

  1. On Time Tangled Island, use your time device and click on 831 AD, the Viking time period.
  2. Walk over to the cave area but don’t go inside.
  3. Put on your glider from Leonardo’s workshop.
  4. Jump on the right side of the cave to get the bonus Viking Suit. Glide from the Viking mountain until you land on the ledge with the suit tucked away in the upper righthand corner of the Viking time period.


A glitch is not intentionally placed into the game like the easter eggs, but you can still have some fun with it on Poptropica and use it to impress your friends! (Special thanks to Fuzzy-B, SL, Elphangor, Samwow5, and others for discovering the various glitches.) (Note: May not work on SUIs – sound-updated islands.)

Changing the Cat

  1. This takes place on 24 Carrot, after you get the cat out of the shower.
  2. Press Ctrl + Shift + R.
  3. The cat will turn into a mini-person.
  4. If you want to change cat’s color, just press Ctrl + Shift + S.

Floating in Air

  1. Beat Nabooti Island (walkthrough here).
  2. Go to the Nabooti Museum.
  3. Go to where the totem pole was.
  4. Jump into the open air and you will float on where the pole used to be!

Minotaur Ears

  1. You must have finished Mythology Island first.
  2. Buy Medusa Hair from the Poptropica Store.
  3. Go to Mythology Island and enter the Minotaur’s place.
  4. Go to your Store items and use the Medusa hair on the Minotaur.
  5. He will now have unusual ears that you can customize!

Www Poptropica Com Cheats For Game Show Island Spin

No Mouth

  1. Open the Poptropica Avatar Studio.
  2. Type fsdummy in the username box.
  3. Refresh Poptropica.
  4. If a message appears, do not hit retry, hit cancel. Also, note that this will replace your current costume with fsdummy’s. If you’re a girl, this could change your character’s gender.

One-Legged Race

Www poptropica com cheats for game show island walkthrough
  1. Get a peg leg from the Store’s pirate costume or multiplayer rooms.
  2. Go to Spy Island and on Main Street, you will find a woman in a jumpsuit that covers your whole body.
  3. Customize the jumpsuit and now will you have only one leg.

Non-costumizable Character (dogs, cats, robots)

  1. Locate a dog, cat, or robot that you can’t normally customize.
  2. Click on it.
  3. Immediately, go to your Friends tab.
  4. Click on your first friend.
  5. Scroll to the right right for 20 seconds.
  6. Click the Costumize button to the right (tiny blue shirt).
  7. There should be the dog, cat, or robot you clicked on in the Costumizer window, and if not, try again.

Standing on Rope

  1. Climb onto any rope, such as the one hanging from the blimp.
  2. Perform any emote (Ctrl + Shift + 1/2/3/4) or use a handheld item with a special effect (space bar).
  3. When your character is done with the action, you’ll be standing on rope!


  1. Walk over to the cord on Main Street, Spy Island.
  2. Put on the grappling bow-tie.
  3. Jump on the cord/telephone wire, aim the bow-tie down, and it’ll stick there.
  4. You’ll be in the parkway with the cord under your feet!

Handheld Items

Want something to hold in your Poptropican’s hands? Try these glitches for a fun new handheld item. Thanks to Fuzzy-B, Samwow5, SL, Elphangor, & Mashimai for their help with these cheats.

Big Sword, Scissors, Apple, Spears, Hades’ staff, Bongo, Club, TNT dynamite stick

Www Poptropica Com Cheats For Game Show Island Walkthrough

  1. Add the username 55990022567 to your Poptropica friends list.
  2. Go to his costume closet and look for those rare handheld items to customize.

Big Spoon, Book, Swords, Feather, Paddle, Handcuffs

  1. Add the username everything173 to your Poptropica friends list.
  2. Go to his costume closet and look for those rare handheld items to customize.

Black juice

  1. Enter the Carrot King Diner on 24 Carrot Island.
  2. Go to the drink-filling area on the left and get white juice.
  3. As you’re drinking, quickly press Ctrl + Shift + S.
  4. Log out and log back into Poptropica.
  5. You’ll be carrying a cup of black juice!

Candle & Fire iron

  1. Go to Great Hall in Bram’s Castle on Vampire’s Curse Island.
  2. Click on a Candle or Fire Iron so that you are holding it.
  3. Turn on a Store item card like Torch or Electrifier (you may also be able to use Ctrl + Shift + S).
  4. Turn off the Store item card’s effects.
  5. Exit the Great Hall and you should now be able to hold the candle or fire iron anywhere until it is customized away!


  1. Go to Game Show Island.
  2. Go to your items and turn on the Fan.
  3. Press Ctrl + Shift + S so that your skin changes color.
  4. Walk into a room and you should now be able to hold the fan anywhere until it is customized away!


Www poptropica com cheats for game show island full
  1. Travel to Early Poptropica Island.
  2. Get your Jetpack and then go to the left to the Poptropica Towers.
  3. Go down the underground area (Dark Room on your Map) where the boy is holding the skateboard.
  4. Climb down the rope.
  5. You’ll be holding a glow stick.
  6. Take off your Jetpack.
  7. Climb back up to the rope.
  8. When you exit the Dark Room, you’ll be holding the glow stick!


  1. Go to Cryptids Island and go to New Jersey.
  2. Ride on the Motorcycle and stop at the first pace you can.
  3. When you get off the Motorcycle and are holding the Lantern, press Ctrl+Shift+S so that your skin changes color.
  4. Ride back to the start, you should now be able to hold the Lantern anywhere until it is customized away.

Ninja items: Bo staff, Shuriken, Smoke bomb

  1. Go to Red Dragon Island and do your Ninja Training.
  2. While holding any of the Ninja items, press Ctrl+Shift+S so that your skin changes color.
  3. When you are done, you should now be able to hold the Ninja Item anywhere until it is customized away.


  1. Go into Dr. Hare’s dream on Super Villain Island.
  2. Once in and holding the Pickax, press Ctrl+Shift+S so that your skin changes color.
  3. Press “Wake Up” and you are done. You should now be able to hold the pickax until it is customized away.


  1. Go to the Vikings time period on Time Tangled Island.
  2. Wear the glider and enter the cave.
  3. Inside the cave, take off the glider.
  4. Exit the cave, and you’ll be holding the torch.

Beards & Facial hair

If your prepubescent face is feeling a little bare, put on a beard to tell the world what a man you are! Or, reduce your status to Baby with one of Mr. Yoshi’s costumes… it’s up to you. Thanks to Nice Dragon, SL, PoptropicaaGCHelp, Fuzzy-B, Elphangor, and anyone else who helped in discovering these cheats.

Short Beard

  1. Go to Wild West Island and use the Beard Brew.
  2. Press Ctrl + Shift + S so that your skin changes color.
  3. Go into a new room and you should now be able to keep the beard anywhere until customized away!

Pointy Beard for Boys

  1. Get Dr. Hare’s Secret Lab from the Poptropica Store and go there.
  2. Enter the orange door to start the mini-quest.
  3. Walk right and jump on the platform there.
  4. Jump off to the left and hide behind the crate of carrots.
  5. Wait for one of Dr. Hare’s minions to walk by on the platform above you.
  6. Click on the Costumizer and then on the Dr. Hare minion above.
  7. Customize his pointy beard!

“Dog” Beard

  1. Go to Lunar Colony Island and click on the guard dog outside Mission Control.
  2. Click on your “Friends” button immediately after clicking on the dog.
  3. Immediately click on your first friend and scroll to the right until you can not see them anymore.
  4. Click on the “customize” button inside the “Friends” feature and customize your “Dog Beard.”


Still looking for some rare costumes that will dazzle the commoners? Check out these showbiz-style dress-ups!

Mr. Yoshi Costumes

  1. Go to Game Show Island and go on the “Mr. Yoshi” game show in Tokyo.
  2. While wearing whichever costume you want (Baby, Chicken, or Bowling Ball) press Ctrl+Shift+S so that your skin changes color.
  3. Continue on through the game show. Once you leave, you should be able to keep whatever costume you wanted until you customize it away!

Poptropica SWF

There are links to Poptropica SWF (Shockwave Flash) files, eg. http://static.poptropica.com/items/item13.swf, where you can see various Poptropica item cards. Replace “13″ in the URL mentioned with different numbers for more item cards! Items in the 1000s = island medallions, 2000s = advertisement items, 3000s = Poptropica Store items.

explore, collect, compete

If you know of any other working cheats, glitches, and codes that you’d like to share, you can comment about it here on this page! Check out all the comments below for even more cheats!