Tyranny Cheat Loyalty System Game

Merriam-Webster defines “faithful” as “having or showing true and constant support or loyalty.”. System to something akin to a continual game of chicken. In Tyranny, the grand war between good and evil is over –. Players interact with the population of the populace to inspire loyalty, disgust, or fear.

Buy Tyranny - In Tyranny, the grand war between good and evil is over and the forces of evil have won. Now it is your turn to be both judge and executioner. Game Cheats; Press (the key above TAB) to produce a console where you can enter codes.Type in iroll20s and you will be able to enter the codes below, with bracketed words replaced with desired values, to unlock the corresponding effects. Code - Result: Iroll20s - Enable the cheat mode. Re-enter cheats. While playing this game you may need some strong supporter and it’s exactly ‘’How to use tyranny console commands?’’. Read this review to see how to apply it!

Each faction views your character in two ways: Respect and Wrath. As you gain reputation along each axis, you will reach reputation thresholds called tiers. Attaining a reputation tier can grant unique abilities to your character.

  • 2Tracked reputations

Factions and reputation[edit | edit source]

  • Reputation in Tyranny governs how major Factions and Characters - from Archons to Companions - feel about the Fatebinder. Reputation is measured on two scales: Favor and Wrath. Reputation affects not only the quests you are offered and how characters treat you in the world. It also grants unique abilities to the Fatebinder. Different abilities are unlocked for Favor vs. Wrath, granting different rewards depending on how the Faction feels about you.
  • Favor is one of two Reputation alignments that determine how a given character or faction feels about the Fatebinder in Tyranny. You improve Favor by aiding members of a Faction in combat, assisting them in completing Quests, and making choices that they approve of. As your Favor with a Faction improves, new abilities unlock for your Fatebinder. These abilities can be seen on the Reputation interface.

Tracked reputations[edit | edit source]

Factions[edit | edit source]

  • The Disfavored: Kyros' ironclad elite, the Disfavored follow Graven Ashe with unyielding loyalty. Proud of their heritage, they only allow those with pure northern blood to join their legions.
  • The Scarlet Chorus: Led by the Voices of Nerat. The largest of Kyros' armies in the Tiers. Growing in size with each battle, they embrace the Voices' teaching that everyone deserves only what they can fight for.
  • The Unbroken: Before Kyros' invasion, the Unbroken Blades were the finest soldiers in the Tiers. Weakened and scattered by Kyros' Edict, they cling to existence in the storm-wracked lands of the Blade Grave.
  • Sages' Guild: Keepers of arcane knowledge, the mages of the Vellum Citadel are all but destroyed after Kyros' Edict transformed their home into the Burning Library. The few who remain free lack purpose and leadership.
  • Bronze Brotherhood: A mercenary company predominantly found in the region of Haven. These fierce warriors idolize the Bane as the ultimate source of death and destruction.
  • Vendrien Guard: Ceremonial honor guard of House Vendrien, rulers of Apex before Kyros' invasion.
  • Forge-Bound: The mage-smiths of Kyros' Empire, they are the only ones who know the secrets of smelting iron from rock, or how to imbue magic into weapons and armor.
  • Stonestalker Tribe: The sole surviving Beastwoman tribe of Azure. After regaining their freedom during Kyros' invasion, the Stonestalkers retreated from contact with mankind.
  • Lethian's Crossing: A small trading settlement before Kyros' invasion, the discovery of iron in the nearby mountains turned Lethian's Crossing into a center of commerce.
  • Stone Sea Villagers: The survivors of Kyros' Edict cling to life in the Stone Sea, struggling to eke out an existence under the weight of the Overlord's magic.

Archons[edit | edit source]

  • Tunon: Archon of Justice and loyal servant of Kyros the Overlord. Leader of the Fatebinders, Tunon's powers are feared by other Archons though none will provide details.
  • Graven Ashe: Archon of War and leader of Kyros' ironbound legions of the Disfavored. Rumor speaks of a magical link between Ashe and his soldiers, and that only a mortal blow will keep a Disfavored from rising to fight again.
  • The Voices of Nerat: Archon of Secrets, Kyros' spymaster, and leader of the Scarlet Chorus. Even his army fears the Voices' power - and the many minds trapped within his own.
  • Bleden Mark: Archon of Shadows. Rumor makes him Kyros' deadly assassin, though few will willingly speak of him for fear of drawing his gaze.

Companions[edit | edit source]

  • Lantry: Scholar, survivor, and chronicler, Lantry is a learned man of advanced age but youthful temperament. As a Sage of the School of Ink and Quill, Lantry is broadly educated in arcane and academic matters, knowing a wide variety of spells and secrets lost to the common Tiersman.
  • Barik: Permanently fused into a suit of armor during Kyros' Edict of Storms, Barik is a lumbering paragon of war. He clings fiercely to his loyalty to Graven Ashe and the noblest values of his Northern homeland.
  • Verse: A Tiersman hardened by conflict, Verse elevated in the ranks of the Scarlet Chorus by killing her superiors, sleeping with one eye open, and never drinking from the same canteen twice.
  • Eb: Allegedly the last member of the School of Tides, a mage guild specializing in magic of the moon and seas. A seasoned traveler and arcane scholar prior to the war, Eb has devoted her days to fighting Kyros' occupation of the Tiers.
  • Kills-in-Shadow: Last of the Shadowhunters, a Beastwoman tribe born from darkness. Ruthless and feral, she'll do anything to survive.
  • Sirin: Archon of Song with the power to control the minds and emotions of thousands with her voice. Sirin was captured by Kyros' army as a young girl and forced to serve the Voices of Nerat.

Artifacts[edit | edit source]

  • Dauntless: Legendary sword wielded by the Champion of Stalwart. This relic of a proud kingdom was thought lost when Kyros' Edict of Storms vanquished the Unbroken Blades
  • Steadfast Insignia: Fashioned in the likeness of Stalwart's battle standard, the Steadfast Insignia was worn by every First Regent since the Realm was carved from the stone of the Tiers.
  • Wave's Crest: Wave's Crest is an artifact of the School of Tides, a mage guild that was strong in Haven and Apex before being destroyed by Kyros' conquest of the Tiers.
  • Helm of the First Regent: The ceremonial helm of the First Regents of Stalwart. Legends say that the Unbroken Blades could never be defeated while their leader wore this helm into battle.
  • Magebane Helm: Crafted by Zdenya, Master of the Forge-Bound, this iron helm is imbued with magic created to ward against the Bane.
  • The Azure Shield: Once wielded by the Champion of Azure, the shield was captured by Beastmen of the Stonestalker tribe during Kyros' conquest.
  • Staff of Hours: The Staff of Hours was traditionally wielded by the Archivist of the Vellum Citadel, keeper of the Silent Archive.
  • The Face of Judgment: An iron mask worn by Tunon the Adjudicator until his death at your hands.
  • The Peacemaker: The battle mace wielded by Graven Ashe as he conquered the Tiers in Kyros' name.
  • The Final Scream: The two-faced bronze mace wielded by the Voices of Nerat until his defeat. The open eyes and screaming mouths flicker with the embers of green flames.
  • The Binding of Shadows: Worn for centuries by Bleden Mark, Archon of Shadows, the Binding of Shadows have absorbed some of the deadly assassin's ability to manipulate darkness.
  • The Gravebow: Lost in the Oldwalls for Centuries, legends of the Gravebow are sparse. They speak of an ancient Archon who led the fight against the Bane, driving them away from human settlements.
  • The Sunlance: Long lost within the Oldwalls, the Sunlance is a relic of House Vendrien. When the Bane broke free and terrorized the realm of Haven, a storied Queen of Apex drove the fell creatures back, sacrificing her life to the cause.
  • Tempest: Forged from lightning-struck iron found at the heart of a crumbled Spire, storms follow in Tempest's wake wherever it goes.
  • Deathbringer: Imbued with Forge-Bound magic and obsidian shards taken from the Burning Library, legends will speak of Deathbringer's power for centuries.
  • Snowfang: Snowfang is imbued by Forge-Bound artisans with the intense frost of the Northern winter.
  • The Staff of Cairn: Created by the Forge-Bound using a piece of Azurelith imbued with the essence of Cairn, Archon of Stone.
  • Heart's Blood: The Forge-Bound smith who created Heart's Blood understands the lust for pain and death. Wielding this magical blade provokes a nigh-overwhelming thirst for death.
  • Nightwalker Boots: Crafted from the hide of Rending-Hound, lieutenant of the Scarlet Chorus. Enchanted by Forge-Bound magic, these boots grants incredible stealth to their wearer.
  • The Baneward: Created by Forge-Bound artisans who imbued the shield with the essence of fallen Bane.
  • The Commander's Plate: Created by Forge-Bound artisans, the design of the bronze plate is inspired by Northern warlords who resisted Kyros' dominion for decades.
  • Hierarch's Robes: A departure from the normal craft of the Forge-Bound, these cloth robes signify the unification of magical knowledge and traditions.
  • Alchemist's Gloves: Imbued with Forge-Bound magic, the Alchemist's gloves harness the healing energies of the Orphan Midwife, Archon of Rebirth.
  • Scales of Mercy: Representing the Fatebinder's role in Kyros' empire, the scales balance twin pans inscribed with JUSTICE and CONFLICT.
  • Banner of Ardent: This fragment of the Banner of Peace was worn by the First Speaker of Ardent. It represents the peace and unity of the tribes that formed the great city of Ardent.
  • Hammer of Sunder: The city of Sunder was taken in the year 430, during the Disfavored's conquest of Stalwart. Most believe the city would never have fallen if the Hammer of Sunder wasn't lost long ago.

Unlocked abilities[edit | edit source]


Fallen Leader
On defeat: Grant +3 Quickness, Finesse, and Might to allies in a 5m radiusStonestalker Tribe
Loyalty 3
+20% Endurance defense
+4 Might on allies in a 5m radius
Stonestalker Tribe
Loyalty 5

Broken Earth
On melee critical hit: +6 Corrode damage vs. Parry to target every 6sStonestalker Tribe
Fear 3
28-36 Crush damage vs. Dodge
All foes in the path of the ability are Petrified
Stonestalker Tribe
Fear 5

Ignore the Elements
+1 Armor vs. Fire, Shock, and FrostForge-Bound
Loyalty 3
+20 Armor vs. Fire, Shock, and FrostForge-Bound
Loyalty 5

Smelting Ore
-10% Duration for Hostile effectsForge-Bound
Fear 3
Remove beneficial effects from foeForge-Bound
Fear 5

Champion's Valor
+3% PrecisionVendrien Guard
Loyalty 3
32-40 Fire/Pierce vs. Dodge
Targets in the path of the projectile are Sundered and Burning
Vendrien Guard
Loyalty 5

Unnerving Presence
-2 Accuracy for foes in a 3m radiusVendrien Guard
Fear 3
Drain 2 Resolve, finesse, and Might from foes in a 90 degree 5m radius cone and transfer them to the FatebinderVendrien Guard
Fear 5

Mighty Blows
+3% Melee damageBronze Brotherhood
Loyalty 3
Drain 8 Health from enemies in a 2.5m radius every 3s and transfer it to casterBronze Brotherhood
Loyalty 5

Delay unconsciousness for 4 secondsBronze Brotherhood
Fear 3
Terrified affliction on targetBronze Brotherhood
Fear 5

Arcane Understanding
+10 Defense against spellsSage's Guild
Loyalty 3
Paralyzed affliction on targetSage's Guild
Loyalty 5

Knowledge Hunter
+6 LoreSage's Guild
Fear 3
Silenced affliction on target
Weak Interrupt
Sage's Guild
Fear 5

Gruesome Blows
On weapon critical hit, Frightened affliction on foes in a 2m radiusThe Unbroken
Loyalty 3
28-42 Crush damage vs. Dodge on foes in a 180 degree 5m radius coneThe Unbroken
Loyalty 5

Corrosive Aura
-1 Armor on foes in a 3m radiusThe Unbroken
Fear 3
Weakened and Stunned affliction on targetThe Unbroken
Fear 5

Stand Together, Stand Tall
+2 Resolve on allies in 3m radousDisfavored
Loyalty 3
Target ally shielded for 80 damage for 30sDisfavored
Loyalty 5

Undying Fatebinder
Shielded for 40 damage if damaged severelyDisfavored
Fear 3
Disfavored do not benefit from Ashe's Aegis in the affected areaDisfavored
Fear 5

+5% Precision on targets below 35% healthScarlet Chorus
Loyalty 3
Rooted and Terrified affliction on targets in the target areaScarlet Chorus
Loyalty 5

Visage of Terror
+30 Defense against Bleeding and Burning afflictionsScarlet Chorus
Fear 3
45-60 Raw damage vs. Endurance
Bleeding affliction on target
Scarlet Chorus
Fear 5

Related achievements[edit | edit source]

Building a ReputationGain your first Reputation Ability.
Retrieved from 'https://tyranny.gamepedia.com/Reputation?oldid=21335'


Tyranny Cheat Loyalty System Games

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