Stranger Things Game Cheats Max

Enjoy the Stranger Things: The Game Walkthrough and Stranger Things: The Game Cheats for all levels and packs. We’ve created this walkthrough game guide to help you and everyone else solve these tricky word trivia puzzles levels. This game is developed by BonusXP, Inc for both the iOS and Google Play markets. If you’re a fan of the hit TV Continue reading 'Stranger Things: The Game. Stranger Things 3: The Game Cheats. Stranger Things 3: The Game Cheats. All Gnome Locations. Gnome #1: Johnny Mikes Basement Radio on the desk near the exit towards the stairs. Gnome #29: Sonja Hawkins Suburbs In Max’s backyard when you pass through this area during a main mission. It’s near the two green containers. Stranger Things: The Game By: BonusXP, Inc. This is a complete 100% walkthrough guide with hints, tips and tricks for the iOS and Android game, Stranger Things: The Game by BonusXP. I’ve split the videos into chapters and listed all items found in each video. I’ve also included instructions how to beat each boss. Stranger Things: The Game – Unlock Max November 17, 2017 November 17, 2017 JGamer android, guide, ios, iphone, stranger things, video A Video Guide to unlock Max. Stranger Things Shirts, Merch and Collectibles. You know what's super strange? No — it isn't loving the hit show Stranger Things (it seems like everyone does, and we're right there with you). Nope, the super strange thing is loving Stranger Things and never owning a single piece of merchandise letting everyone know about it. Will the Wise achievement in Stranger Things 3: The Game. Unlock Will-0.2. To the left of Max’s house. After you take them back to Will, and watch the following.

  1. Stranger Things Game Characters
  2. Stranger Things Game Cheats Max Money
  3. Stranger Things Game Walkthrough Max

Stranger Things: The Game contains many characters from the TV series, such as Chief Hopper, Lucas and Eleven, as well as a massive amount of collectibles. One of these collectible categories is the upgrades that you can unlock for each character in the game. These will increase their weapon stats and the number of their specific weapons that you can hold. Read on for some tips and tricks for how to get all of the upgrades for the characters in Stranger Things: The Game!

The first upgrade is a camouflage backpack. First, find the Lens Filter inside of the Forest Maze dungeon. Go to the area where you have to draw a bear to run through a massive amount of bear traps and logs. Break everything and get the lens filter and give it to Jonathan, who is just outside of the maze. He will give you the camo backpack, which will increase Lucas’ ammo to 25. A second camo backpack will increase Lucas’ rock ammo to 75 maximum. To find this one, go to the Hawkins lab dungeon with Nancy and go to the northeasternmost room. Break through the cracked wall using her bat and pick up the blueprint. Give it to Officer Callahan in the police station in exchange for the backpack.

A third camo backpack can be earned by collecting three lawn gnomes, then going to Phil Larsen’s house which is west of the High School. You’ll be able to open the first chest, which will give Lucas 25 more max rocks. These backpacks can be collected in any order. The Aluminum Bat will increase Nancy’s attack power from 1 to 2. Get this by going to the Hunting and Camping store in downtown Hawkins. Have 250 coins; that’s how much the bat costs to purchase.

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The Canadian Tuxedo can only be found if you have Will in your party. It is inside of the garbage can behind the librarian’s house. Go to the pipe behind the florist or to a pipe south of the sewer (either one) and crawl through to get to the Canadian Tux. This increases Chief Hopper’s attack power from 1 to 2 and boosts the range of his charge attack.

You can get the D-Cell Flashlight by opening the 6-gnome chest inside of Phil Larsen’s house, and you can get the Lucky D20 by opening the 9-gnome chest inside of Phil’s house. The D-Cell Flashlight will increase the duration of the stun from mike’s attack by double. The Lucky D20 will enable Will to perform a critical hit every once in awhile (random) which will deal 5 points of damage. The last of the upgrades that you can unlock from inside of Phil Larsen’s house is the Lunch Box, which can be acquired from the 12-Gnome chest. Open this and you’ll get Dustin’s only upgrade, the Lunch Box. This will increase his ammo capacity instantly from 50 pudding to 100 pudding.

The Spiked Bat is Nancy’s second damage upgrade, increasing her attack power to three. Find the Nails first in the cemetery, towards the west part of the overworked map. Then go to the pipe south of Chief Hopper’s house and enter with Will. Once out, head down and to the left of Jennifer’s house and go to the cemetery. Find a log and break it with Nancy. Then go to the east side of the map, to Steve’s house and give him the nails to get the spiked bat.

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Stranger Things Game Characters

Stranger Things: The Game is a brand new mobile game that is based loosely off of the smash-hit show. You start off as Chief Hopper and your goal is to explore the overworld and the various dungeons in the game, completing quests and rescuing members of your crew one at a time. The graphics are somewhere between NES and SNES, and the gameplay is similar to Zelda: A Link To The Past with a hint of Metroid in it. You have loads of places to explore, and you can collect Eggos, gnomes, and VHS tapes, as well as other items. Read on for some tips and tricks for Stranger Things: The Game!

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There are two different difficulty levels in this game. Normal mode is the standard (already hard) difficulty, but classic mode is far, far more difficult. You can have one saved game per difficulty level at a time; if you want to reset the saves, head to the options menu, hit reset saves, and you can start from the beginning.

In the main quests, your goal will be to make it through dungeons and earn Eggos for completing them. Many side quests will pop up as well, such as scavenger hunts for lost items. Completing the side quests is not mandatory, but there are perks that are earned for each one; for example, you can increase the number of rocks that Lucas can hold by finding the man’s camera lens.

Stranger Things Game Cheats Max Money

Just like LTTP way back in the SNES days, you can collect heart pieces in order to increase your heart load in this game. If you find four heart pieces, you’ll get one extra maximum heart, making it easier to stay alive for a bit longer. Unlike the Zelda games, though, there are no automatic extra max hearts for beating dungeons.

Whenever you unlock another character, go back to the areas that you had previously been to and use their skill in order to get to areas that were previously locked before. Use the map to find these areas easily. For example, go to the logs with cracks in them once you earn Nancy, and have her swing the baseball bat to smash through and make it to new areas. These are especially good for finding gnomes, heart pieces and VHS tapes.

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Some of the quest items can only be picked up from the grocery store. You’ll unlock the path to it at some point after beating the second dungeon; once you go inside, you’ll be able to be either common items such as hearts or rocks, but for 100 coins apiece you can purchase quest items and sub-quest items that can earn you more hearts or other bonuses.

Stranger Things Game Walkthrough Max

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