How To Cheat In Twine Games

Here’s a quick reference for some of the most common features in Twine.

Search for 'Twine SugarCube' in your search engine of choice. As to stopping people from being able to cheat in a HTML based game, the simple answer is you cant. The complex answer is that you can try lots of things, each make it a little harder for them but that also makes it harder to develop, and possible inconvenient for your users. It uses HTML, CSS, and Javascript to create self-contained adventure games, in the spirit of classics like Zork and Colossal Cave. Since Twine is largely an amalgamation of several open technologies, it is flexible enough to do a lot of multimedia tricks, rendering games a lot more like HyperCard than you might normally expect from HTML. The biggest tips & tricks library, search for hack and cheat codes for top mobile games and apps. About Golden Twine. The 1st book in a fresh fantasy animated graphic novel series!

  • Wrap words or phrases in [[double brackets]] to create links.
  • First lexia must be named Start.
  • Spelling and capitalization matters!
  • Give lexia these special titles to add meta-detail: StoryTitle, StorySubtitle, StoryAuthor, StoryMenu
  • [[fear|The Nature Of Fear]] will create a link that appears as “fear” linking to a lexia named “The Nature of Fear.”
  • Two built in styles (change through Story > Story Format menu option): Sugarcane (better for link-based work) and Jonah (better for choice-based work or stretchtext).
  • Jonah only: Create exclusive choices like this:
    • * <<choice “Go through the door”>>
    • * <<choice “Hold back”>>
  • You can display different text than the name of the lexia like this:
    • * <<choice “What should be displayed” “Name of lexia”>>
  • Basic text styling: ”word” for word, //word// for word, __word__ for word. Make a horizontal line with “—-“
  • Create conditional text with <<if $variable>>Text to show if $variable is true<<else>>Text to show otherwise<<endif>>.
  • Set variables with <<set $variable = true>>.
  • Variable names must begin with $ sign, can’t contain spaces or special characters, are case sensitive.
  • To include CSS styles, create a new unlinked lexia of any title and give it the tag stylesheet.
  • Some useful CSS selectors:
    • #sidebar — The column of text on the left (in Sugarcane)
    • #snapback — The “Rewind” link
    • a — Links
    • a:hover — Link color when mouse is over
    • .passage .content — The main body text
  • Some useful CSS styles:
    • body { background-color: red } — List of named colors
    • (or): background: #3a202a — Hexadecimal color selector
    • background-image: url(file.jpg)
    • color: red !important — foreground color.
    • font-size: 150%
    • font-weight: bold — or “normal” to turn off bold
  • If you know HTML, you can include arbitrary HTML within any lexia by enclosing it in <html> tags. So for instance to include an image:
    • <html><img src=”mypic.jpg”></html>
    • (image should be in the same folder as your project file)
  • More advanced features possible: see the Twine documentation
Strategy Guide

Successfully complete the Meltdown level on the '007' difficulty setting with the best time.

All weapons

Successfully complete the Turncoat level on the '007' difficulty setting with the best time.

Infinite ammunition

Successfully complete the Fallen Angel level on the '007' difficulty setting with the highest score.

Power gunsHow to use twine 2

How To Cheat In Twine Games Minecraft

Successfully complete the Flashpoint level on the 'Agent' or '007' difficulty setting with the highest score.

Play Twine Games

Power goons

How To Use Twine 2


Successfully complete the Russian Roulette level on the 'Agent' or '007' difficulty setting with the best time.

Quiet bond

Successfully complete the Villa level on the 'Agent' or '007' difficulty setting with the highest score.

Game Shark Codes
Invincible80073A04 0001
30073D3A 0001
All Weapons30073D38 0001
Infinite Ammo30073D3D 0001
Power Guns30073D3C 0001
Power Goons30073D3B 0001
Stealthy Bond30073D39 0001
Unlock All Cheats8001F16A FFFF
Unlock Secret Win Game Movie8001F28E 0002
Unlock All Missions & Movies
(GS 2.2 or Higher Needed)
50001A01 0000
3001F2D2 0001
Unlock All Missions & Movies
(Caetla Users Only)
B01A0001 00000000
3001F2D2 0001