Cheat Game Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town Vba

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Here we have a collection of Codebreaker codes including the Master Code, Max Gold, Infinite Stamina, Complete Rucksack and more., Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town Gameboy Advance. Harvest Moon More Friend of Mineral Town = karakter yang dimainkan perempuan (yang saya mainkan Sebelum itu juga klo yang belum biasa pake codebreaker berikut caranya: 1. Buka GBA (Game Boy Advance),trus maenin game harvest moon nya. Klik cheats (yang ada di deretan file,options,cheats,tools,help).

  • Bachelors

There are five men to choose from to marry. They are Cliff, Gray, Doctor, Kai, and Rick. In order to get one to like you, you must give him gifts and talk to him. Giving one gift per day is suggested, just to budget. Each man likes and dislikes different things, and loves to get presents on their birthdays. The following is a list of the bachelors' information. The name beside 'Marries' is the girl that the bachelor will marry if you do not try to marry him. Once the man you want to marry hearts turns bright red, you can buy a Blue Feather and propose.
Likes: Chocolate, scrambled eggs
Birthday: Summer 6
Found: At the church or inn. After he gets a job, he is usually in the wine cellar or inn.
Marries: Ann Note: At the end of Summer, Duke (the wine guy) will ask you to help harvest grapes. He says that you may bring a friend. If you do not bring Cliff, he will leave the game permanently, due to lack of money.
Likes: Any herb, apples
Birthday: Fall 17
Found: Base of mountain, hospital
Marries: Elli
Likes: Lumber, chocolate
Birthday: Winter 6
Found: At the library or the blacksmith shop
Marries: Mary
Likes: Corn
Birthday: Summer 22
Found: Beach or in restaurant (on the beach). He is only in town during summer
Marries: Poupuri
Likes: Eggs
Birthday: Fall 27
Found: Bench (beside the supermarket in the mornings), Rich Farm (chickens)
Marries: Karen
  • Changing clothes

On saturdays, go to your television. Press left, and you will be on the TV Shopping network channel. One day, they will be selling a mirror for 1,000g. If you want to, you can go to Doug's inn (Ann's house) and approach the black phone. Press the A button in front of the phone, and you can call the network for 10g. They will ask you if you want to purchase the mirror for 1000g. If you say yes, it will arrive in 2 or 3 days. When Zack (The shipment guy) delivers it that morning, if you go back into the house and select the A button in front of your new mirror, you can change the color of your overalls to the following- pink, green, orange, white, and red. Remember that you can always switch back to blue any time. Note that this can only be done the very week they are selling the mirror, and your rucksack will always stay orange. | Submitted by Emily
  • Confessing

At three o'clock on most days, you can walk into the room on the left of where Carter usually stands in the church. Once there you may get cursed tool blessed, say hello, or confess. If you confess that the townspeople do not like you and it says 'The Harvest Goddess has forgiven you', then your popularity will increase slightly. This also works for other confessions. Basically, if you are 'forgiven', whatever you confessed to will be reversed. For example, if you are 'forgiven' for working too hard, your stamina will increase.
  • Item prices

Turnip: 60G
Potato: 80G
Cucumber: 60G
Strawberry: 30G
Cabbage: 250G
Tomato: 60G
Corn: 100G
Onion: 80G
Pumpkin: 250G
Pineapple: 500G
Eggplant: 80G
Carrot: 120G
Sweet Potato: 80G
Spinach: 80G
Green Pepper: 40G
Egg: 50G
Spa-Boiled Egg: 80G
Golden Egg: 100G
Mayonnaise: (S) 100G
Mayonnaise: (M) 150G
Mayonnaise: (L): 200G
Milk (S): 100G
Milk (M): 150G
Milk (L): 200G
Cheese: (S): 300G
Cheese: (M): 400G
Cheese: (L): 500G
Wool: (S): 100G
Wool: (M): 400G
Wool: (L): 500G
Yarn: (S): 300G
Yarn: (M): 700G
Yarn: (L): 800G
Small Fish: 50G
Medium Fish: 120G
Large Fish: 200G
Apple: 50G
Honey: 50G
Bamboo Shoot: 50G
Wild Grape: 50G
Mushroom: 70G
Poison Mushroom: 100G
Truffle: 500G
Blue Grass: 100G
Green Grass: 100G
GameRed Grass: 110G
Yellow Grass: 120G
Orange Grass: 100G
Purple Grass: 120G
Indigo Grass: 100G
Black Grass: 10G
White Grass: 150G
Junk Ore: 1G
Copper: 15G
Silver: 20G
Gold: 25G
Mytrile: 40G
Orichalc: 50G
SearchAdamantite: 60G
Amethyst: 60G
Agate: 62G
Fluorite: 65G
Peridot: 68G
Topaz: 70G
Ruby: 75G
Emerald: 80G
Diamond: 100G
Moon Stone: 55G
Sand Rose: 60G
  • Littering

If you throw an object onto the ground, it is considered littering. Anytime you do so it will decrease your popularity with the townspeople slightly. To keep the people around you happy and the town pretty, make sure you throw away all unwanted items in the trash can in Rose Square; or you can simply go to your backpack, select the trash, and press Select to throw away the item.
  • Optional Selling

If you give Won,the merchant, ONE gold ore everyday for a season or so He'll offer to let you sell items to him. Things like Large Fish are normaly 200g when you ship them but, Won will give you anywhere from 200g to 290g for them instead. Things like perfume, necklaces, Goldenlumber, etc. are anywhere from 5,000g to 6,000g.
After a while he'll let you play an 'Apple sorting Game' if you win He'll give you a Raffle Ticket, Save the game and then try and match Three numbers (1,2,3,etc.) If you win he'll give you a record tittled 'Love' you can then sell it back to him for 170,000g. It's okay if you don't match the numbers the first time you can shut the game off and try again (if you saved it that is). | Submitted by Shillay
  • Townspeople

The following is a list of what the townspeople like, if you want to be their friend. All of the townspeople like chocolate, with the exception of Karen. Most girls and women also like flowers.
Carter (Priest): Honey, grapes, chocolate (any sweets)
Gotz (Woodcutter): Honey, eggs (anything from your farm)
Grandpa (runs Yodel Farm): Buckwheat noodles
Karen (Supermarket girl): Wine, popcorn (hates chocolate)
Mary (Library girl): Flowers
Poupuri (Chicken girl): Flowers
Tommy and May (Elli's little brother and Grandpa's granddaughter): Honey


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  • Angry People

Buy a lot of Gold Lumber, then put it in your field. The next day, an event will occur in which almost every character will visit and yell at you. This includes the Mayor.
  • Animals outside! (Save money)

You can do this if you want to save money.
First, build a fence on the field then place the chickens in there. You can leave those chickens outside without putting them back. Even at night! You can leave them there forever but, remember the weather. You can always do the other cheat I had submitted (Not really a cheat^^). As for the cows and sheep, you would need more time and patience. Build a
fence and plant grass there! (Be sure there will be enough grass to feed them all because the grass grows back fully in a week) Unlike the chickens, they can't stay outside when it is Winter because the grass can't grow[Obviously :)] Doing this, you can save gold! | Submitted by MaryGraceSalvador
  • Ann's Love

She likes cooked eggs, birthday Summer 17.
  • Avoiding Crop And Animal Problems

Save the game before you go to bed, just in case you forgot to feed your animals, water your crops, etc. You can just turn off your game, turn it back on, and re-do what was forgotten the first time.
  • Best Crops

Spring: Turnips (Supermarket)
Summer: Pineapples (Zack's house)
Autumn: Sweet Potatoes (Supermarket)
Winter: Nothing (but you can fish)
  • Bold's Birthday

Bold, the little pink harvest sprite, has his birthday Spring 4. He likes Honey and bread so wrap that up for him and he will be really happy. | Submitted by Chrysan
  • Chickens

Build a fence on your field and throw your chickens in there. Since they are trapped in there, they cannot run around your farm and be difficult to find. They will also find their own food in the same area everyday, so you do not need to feed them.
  • CodeBreaker codes

Here is how to get the codes to work.
1. Must already have a saved game.
2. After choosing your codes and starting up the game, turn the codebreaker off.
3. Load up your saved game.
4. When you are in-game(can move your character around),turn the CodeBreaker back on,press select to enter the farm earnings screen,then exit the farm earning screen to have all your codes active
1.enable code(must be on)
0000E882 000A 100D1BFB 0007
2.max gold
820068B4 E0FF 820068B6 05F5
3.infinite stamina
32006A29 004B 32006A2A 002A
4.infinite lumber
82004E30 03E7
5.max backpack slots
32006A44 0008 | Submitted by Xx-GothicLegato-xX
  • Cooking Tips

Every Saturday at 1:00p.m. go to Anna's house and she will teach you a recipe.
  • Easy Money In Spring

In spring, go through the exit at the botton of your farm, turn left, dont go to the mine, turn left again and you will find 3 bamboo shoots. Sell'em and get 750g.
  • Easy Money In Summer

To gain at least 1,000 gold every day in summer, you don't have to grow crops or harm your stamina mining. Just collect grasses. Each grass pays at least 100 gold. collect three in three different places(the hot springs, by the lake mine, the woods by the wood cutter's house, and the beach). do this daily and collect 1,000 gold a day. This hint best works in the summer for there are more grasses grown in that time.
  • Ellie's Affection

Ellie loves flowers, any kind. and if you visit the doctor and have a check-up daily, she will like you more.
  • Fishing for Money

Make use of those Festivals that occur on the beach. Since time doesn't pass, and you don't expend energy you can fish without worry.
1 - Bring your basket!
2 - Fish for the large fish, and fill your basket up. Max out your carry capacity by putting 8 more fish in your rucksack.
3 - Toss aside any garbage. You can always confess to littering later!
Your profit for a day's worth of fishing will be 7600G.
  • Getting a Girlfriend

If you want a certain girl to be your girlfriend, make sure you bring her things she that likes at least once everyday. Find out what her schedule is, so that you know what she is doing at each time of the day. Always talk to her and bring her some of your crops that you grow. If she does not like something you give her, do not give it to her anymore.
  • Getting married

To marry a girl, there are a few requirements:
Have the second house upgrade, and the big bed.
It's easier if you have the whole cooking set.
Buy the blue feather.
Have a girl at the red heart level.
See all of the girl's heart events.
Propose to the girl AFTER giving her her favorite item. | Submitted by Legato
  • Getting married to the harvest goddess

Cheat Game Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town Vba Function

Catch all the different species of fish, including the 6 Kings
Ship at least 1 of every shippable item
Collect all 9 of the Goddess Jewels and receive the Gem of Goddess
Own the Big Bed for your home
Dig up every type of item from the Lake Mine
Dig up every type of item from the Spring Mine
Be in your 5th year (or later) on the farm
Ask Carter for permission to 'Marry the HG' during his Confessional times | Submitted by Legato
  • Harvest Goddess Mini-game

At the beginning of the year while using your TV, if you press Right(2), Up or Down quickly, then Left, you will play a mini-game with the Harvest Goddess. In it, you must guess if the next question is higher or lower then the last number. The better you do, the better your prize.
This is a somewhat difficult game, but can be played five times a day for the first five days of spring. Go to your TV and press Left until you see the Harvest Goddess. If you pass her up, just press Left until you see her again. The prizes
for this game include the following:
1 win: Nothing
2 wins: A type of grass or herb
3 to 9 wins: Unknown
10 to 14 wins: Relaxation Tea Leaves
15 to 19 wins: Hand Lotion
20 to 24 wins: Water
25 to 29 wins: Tissues
30 to 39 wins: Perfume
40 to 49 wins: Pre-wrapped Dress
50 to 59 wins: Golden Log (put in shelf and never outside)
60 to 69 wins: Fish Fossil (sell for 5,000)
70 to 79 wins: Treasure Box (sell for 10,000 )
80 to 89 wins: Ketchup Recipe
90 to 99 wins: Fried Potato Recipe
100 wins: A Book
  • Harvest The Middle Crop

Notice that if you plant seeds then water all nine spaces with a level 2 or higher watering can, you will not be able to reach the crop in the middle without cutting a stalk from the sides. However, if you recruit a Harvest Sprite to harvest crops for you, it can walk through the crops and harvest the middle one. This is only useful for crops that can be harvested more than once though.
  • Help From Harvest Sprites

To get help from the Harvest Sprites, give each of them a lot of bread, which you can buy in the supermarket. The gnomes love bread. After you feed them, their heart points should rise to 3. You can now ask them to do your work (watering, taking care of animals, harvesting), or you can play a game with them. Do not forget to give them some bread each week (one piece for each) to maintain their heart level.
  • Horse

When you get your horse, always talk to and brush it. When it is an adult, ride it all the time. In two or three days Barley will appear. If you did not take good care of your horse, he will take it.
  • How to get Jewels in Winter

First, you go to the place where you find the Bamboo Shoots in spring. If you haven't reached Winter yet, you should always see water. But when it reaches Winter, it shouldn't be filled with water anymore. It will be filled with snow. So you can walk on it. Then you will find a little cave. Go in it and there will be a mine. If you break the rocks, most of the time you will find jewels. Note: This only works in Winter! | Submitted by Kara
  • Jewel Of Truth Locations

In your dog house.
In your horse's stable (water tank).

Cheat Game Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town Vba Query

Exchange 1,000 medals at the horse races.
Buy one from Won for 50,000 G.
Check a lamppost between the Church and the Town Square.
Mary's library, second floor, farthest one to the right.
New Year's game show on the TV inside your Town Cottage.
Calendar in your Mountain Cottage.
Take 8 of them to Thomas' house and check the refrigerator.
  • Karen's Affection

Give her lots of wine. When she gives you a bottle of wine, save it, and wrap it and give it to her on her birthday (Fall 15).
  • Lots of cash!

To get this, you need the following:
ATLEAST 1 Basket.
The (Fully Grown) Horse.
Some money to begin with.
If you don't have them, do this:
Basket: It's at the Supermarket.
Horse: Barley will offer you to take care of the horse. Do it and when he returns you will be able to keep it. Brushhim and feed him honer/carrots, and talk to him. When you get the horse, it's best to make sure he has full hearts.
Money: Earn it somehow, I suggest getting a chicken, then place it's egg into the incubator until you have the most you can have. After this, get a cow. Also look for things in the wild.
Now here's how to get the money:
In Spring/Fall there will be a horse race. Enter your horse and bet all your money on it. Win the race. Then with the tickets, buy the necklaces, put them in the basket, rinse and repeat until either your basket(S) are/is full, or your out of tickets. Then empty your basket in the shipment box. The next day you should see that you have LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of money.
Thanks for reading and I hope you get loads of cash like I do! This is how I got the 100,000,000 house. | Submitted by Jamie
  • Make a girls heart go faster to red rating

Every day talk to the girl you would want to marry, give her her most favorite thing

Cheat Game Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town Vba Emulator

Ann - Boiled Egg
Elli - Milk, flower or herbs
Karen - Bamboo Shoot or Wine
Mary - Herbs (any color)
Popuri - Egg or Flower
Give any of those item for that certain girl everyday. When its time for the heart event hurry up and try to activate it. And before you know it you could get married in the first year. So try not to miss any of the the items in TV Shopping Network.
  • Mary's Love

Mary likes mushrooms, birthday Winter 20.
  • Miss saying

In the sheep festival ( I'm not sure witch one) when you talk to the mayor, he should say 'are you ready to judge cows now?' I noticed that one day when i was playing. | Submitted by pablofan
  • Misspelling

When it is the sheep festival, the mayor will say 'are you ready to judge Cows now?'.
  • MisSpelling

Like you know the fishing rod you get check out the discription on it it is like configed! | Submitted by Kal
  • Misspelling

If you link up to a Nintendo Gamecube wait for a few seconds. The HG should say 'sending dgata'. How wierd is that? | Cheat Game Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town VbaSubmitted by Mr.X
  • More hearts from cows

Buy a brush and a milker( can only be used on adult cows) and use them every day. Also, talk to them. | Submitted by kyle
  • Mountain Cottage

Stay married for 50 happy years and your wife will decide to get you a Cottage on Mother's Hill.
  • No Fatigue With Tools

On certain events, the clock on the bottom right will disappear. When you now use a tool, it will not take down your fatigue. This makes it easier to bless some cursed tools by just swinging a lot.
  • No rain, snow, blizzard, storm

This is pretty easy! ^^ If you don't want any rain or anything that could be a hindrance to your farming, taking care of the animals, etc., follow these:
After your finished in doing all of your work, don't sleep yet! Save your game first then go to sleep. When the next day comes, watch the television for the weather forecast. If it says it's going to rain, snow, etc. tomorrow, don't save! Load the game or turn it off. You will be back at the time you last saved. Just repeat this procedure every time the weather forecast says it won't be a good weather the next day.
I do this every time because I hate those days! | Submitted by MaryGraceSalvador
  • Popuri Hints

She likes things from your animals (eggs, milk, wool) and chocolate. The higher quality the egg, milk, or wool is, she'll like you more. Give her lots of wrapped gifts on the third day of summer, that's her birthday! If you give her at least three wrapped gifts everyday, she should be on her red heart before the end of the first year.
  • Rare Power Berry

During any season except winter, throw 2 cucumbers in the lake near the mountain. A Kappa will appear and ask to be left alone. For the next 10 days go to the lake and drop one cucumber each day. On the tenth day, Kappa will give you a Blue Power Berry that will double the amount of fatigue that you can take.
  • Recipes

Apple Jam: Apple Pot with Sugar
Grape Jam: Apple Pot with Grape
Salad: Carrot, Turnip, Lettuce, Tomato, Cucumber and Knife (Vinegar?)
Moon Dumplings: Dumpling Powder and Milk
Mayo: Egg Whisk and Vinegar
Fries: Oil Potato Knife and Frying Pan (Karen loves this recipe)
Boiled Egg: Egg and Pot
  • Snow Referred As Rain

In the winter when you talk to the officer, he will say that its raining instead of snowing.
  • Stop time

82003F04 0000 | Submitted by algen
  • Straid's birthday

The little blue sprite is the 15th of spring give him 2 breads and he will be happy 1 heart should come up. | Submitted by David
  • Timid's Birthday

Timid, the little green spite, celebrates his birthday Summer thirteenth, give him 1 honey or bread and 2 hearts should show up. | Submitted by Chrysan
  • What The Sprites Really Like

The Sprites that you could get to work for you really like the honey that grows in your tree! | Submitted by Kal
  • Winery Sign

The sign on the Winery says that it is closed on Sundays only. However, it is actually closed on Saturdays.


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